Research Study

Fairbanks / Northwest Crossing, TX

Were you recently diagnosed with COVID-19?

We need your help! Come join a COVID-19 research study and help slow the spread!

What is this research study about?

This research study seeks to evaluate the performance of a COVID-19 home test kit which gives results in 15 minutes with a non-invasive nasal swab.

Why participate?

● You may contribute valuable information while we are fighting this pandemic together.

● You will receive a $100 visa gift card by participating in this study.

Who can participate?

● At least 2 years old

● Have tested positive in the last 3 days

Note: The study staff will discuss additional requirements with you and determine if you are eligible.

Walk-ins are welcome!

Address: 5252 Hollister St, Houston, TX 77040
Hours: 9 am to 7 pm, 7 days a week


Call or text us at (650) 229-3205 to get more information on the study.