The scale displays “--“

The scale failed to detect body impedance or did not recognize you as a registered user. Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Reset your router. Make sure your mobile device and your scale are connected to the router.
  2. Open the iHealth MyVitals app and log in to your account.
  3. From the side menu, click on the page “Set Up My Devices”
  4. Under the Scale category, click on the Core device, then click on “Delete Current User”. Wait several seconds.
  5. Go back to the page “Set Up My Devices” and set up your device again. Select New Device –> Scales –> Core(HS6).
  6. Click on “Scan QR code” and scan the QR code on the back of the scale located next to the battery compartment.
  7. Wait for the Wi-Fi symbol to stop flashing. Once it turns solid, the Wi-Fi connection is successful.
  8. Stand on all four electrodes with bare feet. Remain on the scale for a few seconds to allow the scale continue the measurement. Your weight and Body Fat % will appear on the Scale.

July 23, 2020 | Comments Off