The Wi-Fi symbol disappeared on the scale display after it flashed several times

Please follow below steps:

  1. Reset your router and then make sure your mobile device is connected to the router.
  2. Make sure the scale’s MAC address is not filtered by router.
  3. Open “iHealth MyVitals” App and log in to your account or create a new account.
  4. From the side menu, click on the page “Set Up My Devices.”
  5. Click on “Select New Device” –> “Scales” –> Core(HS6)
  6. Take your Core(HS6) scale and remove the plastic tab from the battery compartment.
  7. Press and hold the “Set” button (located next to the battery compartment of your scale) for five seconds until the scale displays “Set”.
  8. In the mobile App, click on the button, “Scan QR code” and, when prompted, allow iHealth to access your camera. Scan the QR code on the back of the scale with the App. Input the WiFi password and click “OK”.
  9. The scale’s Wifi symbol will flash when it is connecting to the network. It will turn solid when the Wi-Fi connection is successfully established.

July 23, 2020 | Comments Off